Disagreement with our Terms of Service
What happens if you disagree with our terms of service or disagree with a modification made to our term of service?
Our Terms of Service govern the relationship between you and us, and your use of our products and social games for the web, mobile, or any other applicable devices as may be modified from time to time.
Note – By accessing or using our services you accept and agree to be bound by the terms, and by continuing to use the Service, after a change or modification of our terms has been made, you accept and agree to be bound by the revised Terms.
If you do not agree to these terms or disagree with the modification made by us to the terms of service, this is totally acceptable, and we kindly ask you to discontinue your use of the Service. You may choose to file a deletion request to delete any accounts that you have created using the service by visiting the Playtika Privacy Portal.